Factory (Super)Women is a documentary film that portrays the narratives of factory women who paved the way towards Singapore’s economic success. The film records the oral history of female factory workers.
By providing the women a platform to remember, reminisce and reflect about their own experiences, Factory (Super)Women is infused with their bittersweet memories of factory work – from the stress and struggles of the production line, to the sense of community and sisterhood with their fellow workers.
The film is part of the The Future of Our Pasts Festival (TFOOPFest) is a month-long festival showcasing 11 creative projects by students and recent graduates from different tertiary institutions in Singapore and abroad, that reimagine lesser-known stories of our communities and places through arts and media. #TFOOPFest views our history in a new light, discovers stories of our past and present, and engages with what they mean for Singapore — now and in the future.